Sunday, April 20, 2008

Challenge completed

The deadline for completing the challenge was 12 noon on 20th April. And I made it, by about 90 mins - though only by getting into the workshop by 8am on a Sunday morning. Perhaps I was taking the challenge too seriously.

The other constraint for the challenge was to spend no more than £100. My total spend is around £75, so I'm more than happy with that.

Some pics ...

It's been great fun - and a real impetus to make me spend some time in the workshop. It's far from the best guitar in my collection (by any measure), but it's certainly the best guitar that I've built, with my own hands and tools, in my workshop, without any outside help.
It's also the first guitar that I've build with my own hands (etc) - but it won't be the last.
The next guitar will probably be another Tele, but this time a thinline. The body will definitely be cherry, and I might use cherry for the top as well, or I might use a maple cap that I've had sat here for a while ... and a cherry neck too perhaps?
I'll blog that build too ...

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