Thursday, February 12, 2009

The challenge returns

Some daft bugger decided to re-visit the £100 challenge, and suggested that we do it all over again.

So here I am, completely not ready, with no time available, but what's a challenge if it's easy!

Just to make the odds a little better, I'm going to cheat ever-so-slightly.

My last £100 build has lain, largely unplayed, neglected and unloved, since I built it. Mainly because Mr PRS (only SEs!), Mr Godin, Mr Yamaha, and even Mr Gibson (no, really!) can turn out better guitars than I can. Way better when I only have £100 to spend, and one month to build it. Way, way better when it was my first build.

So, I took it apart, just to save space really:

So, my challenge to myself this time, is "can I turn my original £100 challenge guitar into something halfway decent?". I'm not going to build another one from scratch - because I don't have the time - but perhaps I can tweak my first-born into something that I'll actually play in future.

And not take apart again!

The guys & girls (and inbetweenies for all I know!) at Music Radar are taking a little more interest this time too ...

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